Posts for tag: skin cancer

By Dr. Roger Moore
May 01, 2015
Category: Skin Cancer
Tags: skin cancer   UVA rays   UVB rays   sunscren   sun exposure  

It can be so tempting when the weather is finally beautiful and the sun is out in full strength after a long hard winter to spend as much time outside as possible. You just want to be outside all the time, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, many people do not fully understand that the sun can be very detrimental to your health. The rays of the sun can damage your skin and cause wrinkles, pigmentation and even skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in the U.S. today. It can even be deadly. It is vital to your health and the health of your family that you take the proper precautions when you will be exposed to the sun.

First and foremost, the best line of defense if you are going to be in the sun is wearing sunscreen. It is recommended that you use a sunscreen of at least 30 spf. This will effectively block out 97% of UVB rays. It is best to apply sunscreen about a half hour before you go out into the sun and then again right before you go out. This will provide you with the best protection possible. Another important aspect to remember is to choose the correct ingredients in your sunscreen. You will want to select a sunscreen that contains one of the following ingredients: titanium dioxide, zinc oxide or parsol 1789 (avobenzone). These ingredients will ensure that you are protected against UVB and UVA rays, which can cause damage to the skin.

Another way to protect yourself from the sun is to avoid it all together. Stay out of the sun between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun is at its hottest. Seek shade whenever possible and wear protective clothing. Melanoma is a serious form of cancer that can be deadly. You increase your risk of skin cancer substantially when you expose yourself to the sun without protection. So remember next time you are heading out for a fun day in the sun, that it is imperative to protect yourself from the damaging rays you will be exposed to. I dare you to avoid the sun and take the proper precautions if you will be exposed. It could save your life.

By Dr. Roger Moore and Team
April 14, 2015
Category: Skin Cancer
Tags: skin cancer   tanning   sun   UVA rays   UVB rays   melanoma  

Can indoor tanning increase my risk of skin cancer?

People sometimes use indoor tanning in the belief that this will prevent burns when they tan outdoors. However, indoor tanning raises the risk of developing melanoma even if a person has never had burns from either indoor or outdoor tanning, according to a study published May 29 in the JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

To test the hypothesis that indoor tanning without burns prevents sunburn and subsequent skin cancer, researchers at the Masonic Cancer Center, Department of Dermatology, and Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis used data from a case-control study on indoor tanning and the risk of melanoma. The researchers had detailed information on indoor tanning and sun exposure for the study participants and excluded those who experienced a burn while tanning indoors.

A total of 1167 melanoma patients were matched to 1101 control subjects by sex and age. All participants completed a questionnaire and telephone interview. In analyses adjusted for sociodemographic factors (eg., age, sex, income, education), eye, hair, and skin color, number of freckles and moles, family history of melanoma, and lifetime sun exposure and sunscreen use, they found that melanoma patients reporting zero lifetime burns were nearly four times more likely to be indoor tanners than control subjects. In addition, melanoma patients with zero sunburns reported having started tanning indoors at younger ages and used indoor tanning over more years than other patients who had experienced sunburn, suggesting that greater total exposure contributed to the findings.

The researchers write that their results demonstrate "…that indoor tanning, even when used in a way that does not produce burns, is a risk factor for melanoma."

Source: Oxford University Press USA. (2014, May 28). Indoor tanning, even without burning, increases the risk of melanoma. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 16, 2015 from

By Mariah Lefforge PA-C
March 25, 2015
Category: Sun Protection
Tags: skin cancer   skin   sun protection   sunscreen  

With warm sunny weather right around the corner, there will be lots of swimming, gardening, picnics, baseball games, and other outdoor activities.  Of course, more time outdoors means more sun exposure. Although most of the population is aware that there is a correlation between sun exposure and skin cancer, there are still many misunderstandings about who benefits from sun protection.

Q:  I tan easily, so I don't need to worry about skin cancer or wearing sunscreen, right?

A:  Although individuals with fair complexions are at a higher risk for skin cancer, people of all skin types can develop skin cancer.  Tanning is a protective response to ultraviolet radiation.  This means by the time you notice a tan, there has already been damage to your skin.  Cosmetically, tanning also speeds the aging process and can make certain types of age spots, melasma, and darkening of the skin after inflammation (called postinflammatory hyperpigmentation) more prominent.

Q:  I already have a lot of sun damage from when I was younger –isn't it too late for me to worry about using sunscreen now?

A:  It’s never too late to incorporate photoprotection into your routine!  In fact, one study showed that use of sunscreen in individuals already diagnosed with precancerous lesions decreased the number of new lesions that formed. 

Q:  There are so many options—how do I know I have the right kind of sunscreen?

A:  To get protection from both UVA and UVB rays, look for at least 1 of the following ingredients: Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide, Parsol 1789 (Avobenzone), or Mexoryl (anthelios). Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide are physical blockers that protect the skin by reflecting light and are excellent for people with sun sensitivity, melasma, or sensitive skin.  They are now available in micronized form to go on clear.  Many sunscreens with these ingredients have key words in the title such as “sensitive skin,” “natural,” or “chemical-free.”  Several baby sunscreens use these as active ingredients as well.  Make sure to apply about 30 minutes before your activity and reapply at least every 2 hours while you are outdoors. 

Sunscreens now come in lotions, creams, gels, sprays and powder formulations.  There are even types for dry, sensitive or acne prone skin, so everyone can find the perfect product to keep their skin healthy as they enjoy the beaufiful sunny days to come! 

By Dr. Roger Moore
February 02, 2015
Category: Cancer
Tags: skin cancer   facts   skin  

The following are a few interesting facts about skin cancer:

The most common cancer today is skin cancer. While other cancers get more publicity, skin cancer is occurring at astounding rates. More than 3 million basal cell or squamous cell cancers are thought to occur each year in the United States. The incidence can be 10 times the rate of many other cancers. Fortunately, if caught early, many skin cancers can be treated in a simple manner.

The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell cancer (BCC), squamous cell cancer (SCC) and melanoma. Melanoma is the most serious, and fortunately the least common. The BCC and SCC types occur more frequently and are typically easier to treat. Treatment options vary depending on the size, location and other factors. Most of these skin cancers are caught early and can be treated here in the office of Dr. Roger Moore at DermacenterMD. One of his areas of expertise is in the advanced skin cancer treatment technique termed Mohs Micrographic Surgery.

Mohs Micrographic Surgery provides excellent benefits to his patients. Some of the benefits include: 1) higher cure rate than most other therapies, 2) often reduced scar size because less tissue is removed, 3) satisfaction of knowing the cancer is gone on treatment day, and 4) lower cost when compared to hospitals and surgery center fees.

If you have any question or concerns about skin cancer or skin cancer treatments, please give Dr. Roger Moore’s team at DermacenterMD a call at 574-522-0265No doctor referral is necessary. 

