Posts for: February, 2015

By Dr. Moore
February 09, 2015
Category: Uncategorized
Tags: skin   dermatology   skin care  

 “What is a dermatologist and should I see one?”

Dermatologists are medical doctors who complete a 4 year residency training in skin, hair and nail diseases. Dermatologists are also experts in skin cancer and surgery of the skin. No other area of medicine is as highly trained in the area of skin and skin cancer.The training required for a dermatologist involves advanced education in greater detail than any other area of medicine in the skin, skin diseases, skin cancer diagnosis and management as well as cosmetic dermatology.  

Many patients seek dermatologic evaluations for routine skin cancer screening examinations as this is the highest trained specialty for this.   In addition dermatologist are experts in other skin growths, skin cancer, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, acne and warts so many people see dermatologist for these common skin problems.    

Since skin cancer is the number one cancer diagnosed in America today (affecting up to 1 in 3 people), most people go to see a dermatologist annually for a skin cancer screening examination.  

Dr. Roger Moore treats patients with basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma from Elkhart, South Bend, Goshen and all of Michiana. The renowned removal technique of Mohs Micrographic surgery is performed routinely by Dr. Moore as well. He is the first to offer this technique in Elkhart County.

If you or someone you know has a skin concern or problem call Dr. Roger Moore and his team at DermacenterMD today at (574)522-0265.  No referral is necessary and don’t forget, no other area of medicine is as highly trained in the skin.

By Dr. Roger Moore
February 02, 2015
Category: Cancer
Tags: skin cancer   facts   skin  

The following are a few interesting facts about skin cancer:

The most common cancer today is skin cancer. While other cancers get more publicity, skin cancer is occurring at astounding rates. More than 3 million basal cell or squamous cell cancers are thought to occur each year in the United States. The incidence can be 10 times the rate of many other cancers. Fortunately, if caught early, many skin cancers can be treated in a simple manner.

The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell cancer (BCC), squamous cell cancer (SCC) and melanoma. Melanoma is the most serious, and fortunately the least common. The BCC and SCC types occur more frequently and are typically easier to treat. Treatment options vary depending on the size, location and other factors. Most of these skin cancers are caught early and can be treated here in the office of Dr. Roger Moore at DermacenterMD. One of his areas of expertise is in the advanced skin cancer treatment technique termed Mohs Micrographic Surgery.

Mohs Micrographic Surgery provides excellent benefits to his patients. Some of the benefits include: 1) higher cure rate than most other therapies, 2) often reduced scar size because less tissue is removed, 3) satisfaction of knowing the cancer is gone on treatment day, and 4) lower cost when compared to hospitals and surgery center fees.

If you have any question or concerns about skin cancer or skin cancer treatments, please give Dr. Roger Moore’s team at DermacenterMD a call at 574-522-0265No doctor referral is necessary. 

