By Dr. Roger Moore
September 08, 2015
Category: Lifestyle

One day I entered the room for surgery and asked the patient how he was doing. The friendly response I got was, “I am sanguine.” Now I had no idea what this meant. Before I could get out the ‘Huh?’ I was thinking, my patient’s wife said, “Oh he’s at it again. It is his word of the day.”

This kind gentleman had dealt with the challenges of being an organ transplant recipient. At too young an age he had an organ fail in his body and he could not live without dialysis. He was fortunate to receive a transplant that gave him a new lease on life.

He tried to find ways to keep himself busy and optimistic. He decided to learn a word a day to expand his mind. He also put time into bowling. He actually became very good at both. So good at bowling he competed in the “Transplant games,” a competition for those who have had an organ transplant.

He told me how he had set a goal to win a medal and accomplished this goal twice. He said he was driven to get one more medal. Why? Well the medals had a purpose. They were a gift he gave away. The first was for the mother, then second for the father and the future medal was meant for the brother of the person whose organs kept him alive today. He was doing this for them.

Sanguine, he explained, meant hopeful. Although I may forget the meaning, I will never forget the acts of kindness he shared. He reminded me that each of us owe a debt of gratitude to those who have helped us along our journey to where we are today. It is through others we find our true self. 

By Dr. Roger Moore
August 31, 2015
Category: General Skin Care
Tags: skin care   sun protection   photoaging  

Did you know that many of the common signs of aging can be avoided? Over time, our skin losses it elasticity and wrinkles, fine lines and age spots can appear making us show our age. Some of these are unavoidable, but many of the signs of aging are directly related to sun exposure and, if you properly protect your skin from the sun, can be reduced. The process of aging due to sun exposure is known as photoaging.

The skin is composed of three different layers: the epidermis, or outermost layer, the dermis, or middle layer, and the subcutis, or bottom layer. The middle layer contains collagen, elastin, and other fibers that support the skin’s structure. It is these elements that give skin its smooth and youthful appearance- and that are damaged by UV radiation (UVR).  Chronic and repeated sun exposure can cause damage to the skin such as age spots that are small bit of pigmentation that doesn’t go away. They typically appear on the hands, arms, face and back.  The best way to prevent signs of photoaging is to be diligent in protecting your skin from the sun. This means wearing sunscreen 365 days a year and covering up to avoid the potential for sun burn. 

By Dr. Roger Moore
August 24, 2015
Category: Skin Cancer

Be on the lookout for skin cancer! 1 in 3 people are estimated to have skin cancer in their lifetime. It can affect anyone at any age and with any skin type. You can never be too careful or too cautious. Taking care of your skin, like always remembering your sunscreen, and being educated about skin cancer are great ways to protect yourself and those you love.

Below are five different skin conditions to keep an eye out for when you exam you skin, as well as a short story that demonstrates the importance of knowing what to look for and being diligent in getting in to see your dermatologist for regular skin checks.

Different Types of Skin Cancer:

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

 The most common cancer diagnosed in the U.S. These present as raised, pink, translucent, pearly nodules that may ulcerate and bleed. These can be found on sun exposed sites, but not always.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

Usually raised, pink nodules or patches that occur on sun exposed sites. These often occur with no symptoms and a small number can become invasive.


This cancer can become invasive and life threatening. Most are brown to black with irregular borders, but not always.

Be alert for the ABCDE’s:


Border irregularity

Color variation

Diameter (larger than a pencil eraser)

Evolving or changing

Actinic Keratosis (AK)

These pre-cancers are caused by the sun and are often rough scaly bumps. Most occur on sun exposed sites and do have some risk for developing into SCCs.

Seborrheic Keratosis

These waxy tan to brown raised lesions are very common and benign. DermacenterMD considers these proof of wisdom since most occur as you become more fruitful and wise ( a.k.a. age).

That little pink spot was important?

A nice woman who lived downtown and liked to play bingo came in because a friend told her to get a red scaling rash on the left temple checked out. It had been there two months and she had tried several over the counter creams, including hydrocortisone and anti-fungus cream, but it would not go away completely. The spot never had bleeding or pain.

It was suspicious, so a small sample of skin was taken to be sent off to the lab, a procedure termed a biopsy. Most often the biopsies have minimal discomfort and can yield important information as in her case. The spot turned out to be a basal cell cancer. Yes, that little rash was a skin can­cer. She is an example of why we need to 1) educate ourselves on what to look out for and 2) get regular dermatology skin examinations.

Basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma are the most common skin can­cers and they can be treated easily if caught early. Dr. Moore specializes in a scar minimizing, low downtime treatment called Mohs Micrographic Surgery. This technique also provides the highest cure rate available. If you suspect cancer, call now to get your peace of mind and safety.

Our office can be reached at 574-522-0265.

By Dr. Roger Moore
August 18, 2015
Category: Lifestyle

Working with other people can be challenging.  Every one of us has some situation where getting along with someone better would make our own life easier. Some ways to work with people who you feel have done something wrong or made a mistake can be:

1. Talk about your own mistakes before talking about theirs. One of my children brought home a bad grade once. It was easy enough to share the pitfalls I have had in school first. This can take some of the sting out for their own blunder. As for my kids, they are smarter than dad any­way.

2. Let the other person know they are capable of better. In my high school days I remember having a coach pull me aside and tell me he expected a certain level from me. Interestingly, this has stuck with me and to this day. Even as an adult I think about his comments and try to perform at a higher level.

3. Talk about mistakes indirectly. When we had work done on our home years ago my wife did a nice job of showing the contractor what he had done that was different than we agreed upon. She did this eloquently by reviewing the mistake in an indirect way. He did well at taking direction and we also got the changes we needed or had planned in the first place.

By Dr. Roger Moore
August 10, 2015
Category: General Skin Care
Tags: skin care   Eczema   rash   reduce itch   itching  


The following are 7 suggestions to help reduce the annoying and uncomfortable itch of eczema.


  1. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Keeping your skin hydrated can be the key to reducing the itch caused by eczema. Applying a moisturizer helps lock in your skin’s own moisture. To get the most out of your moisturizer, apply it right after you get out of the shower or bath, pat dry leaving skin slightly damp and then apply the moisturizer. This will help lock in as much moisture as possible.


  1. Use a cream or ointment instead of lotion to moisturize.           

You may not realize that there is a distinct difference between lotions and creams. Lotions come in pump bottles and creams come in a tube that you squeeze or a tub that your dip out. Lotions are thinner in nature and are not as effective in trapping moisture as the thicker creams. Ointments can also be effective. Using petroleum jelly can be very moisturizing.


  1. Take an oatmeal bath.

A quick soak in a lukewarm oatmeal bath can help ease itching. You can purchase a pre-packaged oatmeal bath mix at your local drug store. Simply follow the directions on the label and soak for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then gently pat dry and apply moisturizer right away.


  1. Use a cold compress.

Place an ice pack inside a towel and hold it on to the itchy skin for a few minutes or as needed to help relieve itch.


  1. Wear comfortable fabrics.

Choose loose-fitting fabrics and comfortable fabrics such as organic cotton or cotton blends. Avoid coarse materials like wool and synthetic fabrics because they can be irritating to skin.


  1. Keep fingernails cut short.

Having long fingernails can make it hard to resist the itching. Keeping your fingernails cut short will reduce the desire to itch and also do less damage if you do itch. If you find yourself itching at night, try wearing cotton gloves to bed.


  1. Use over-the-counter medications.

Topical anti-inflammatory creams, such as hydrocortisone, can help reduce itch. Oral antihistamines, such as Claritin or Benadryl, can also be affective. If, however, your symptoms persist or worsen, be sure to see your dermatologist who can prescribe stronger treatments.


If you find that your eczema is not manageable, give our office a call. There are effective treatment options. Call us today at 574-522-0265 to schedule your appointment.

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